Plan A Day

It's better for you to use a agenda but you don't have to. You can also use a notebook you designed yourself.

When I wake up in the morning or before I go to bed at night, I think about what I need to do that day. Then i write them in order of priority. 

The biggest mistake I made was planning on the clock. If I have to do that job at 6, I do it at 7. Because then I am available. This is annoying.

Instead, I started to write about how long it would take to do that job.

"read a book ~ 30 minutes " like this. 

So I am more free. This is more efficient than other ways.

Another mistake I made was trying to do all the job that day. I was very upset when I couldn't.You don't have to do all the work. If you can't finish, continue the next day. Then I realized myself and started making a more realistic to-do list. 

Another point you should not forget is that a person cannot work for 4 hours continuously. Create free times. As you get to know yourself, you will create your system.

Finally, make daily plans at first. Then start making weekly and monthly plans. It is very important to know yourself during this time.

Stay happy! 


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