Languages ​​To Learn

There are many languages ​​in the world. Nowadays, learning some languages ​​has become a necessity. I think the first language to learn is English. The reason is clear. In today's world, we cannot do anything without knowing English. We must learn English.

 I think it makes a lot of sense to learn Spanish as a second language. Spanish is a very popular language in Europe and America. I also think it is an easy language to learn. Learning Spanish can help us a lot to learn other languages. It can make it easier for us to learn languages ​​such as Portuguese Italian and French.

Finally, In my opinion it is necessary to learn an Asian language. Asian countries have developed a lot economically and culturally. Thir arts and technologies are very popular. Is there anyone who still hasn't listened to a korean song or watched an asian movie or an anime? I don't think so. Even though most of us use a korean brand phone. An article I read on Duolingo says that the most learned languages ​​in the app are Korean and Japanese. You may think Asian languages ​​are difficult. You are right. But remember that Korean is still an easier language than other Asian languages.


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